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  1. I'm having trouble with Google search. If I search for my site, it comes up, but when I click on it, I go to the installer page. I did just upgrade and moved hosting. Is this something that will work itself out or do I need to do something. Thanks for any information you can give me.
  2. I use Avast and never had a problem. I like that it catches things before any harm can be done.
  3. So good to come in contact with you again
  4. WOW. Awesome. Jimmy just dropped out of the scene a few years ago. No clue why or what happened. How have you been? Angel still doing graphics? Funny, I just cleaned out a bunch of bookmarks and yours was one of them. Still running any forums anywhere?
  5. Yes, a few. If you knew Jimmy, then you're the Tricky. Lol
  6. Lol, I used to know a Tricky too. Thanks for the welcome.
  7. I should first preface this by saying I think anyone deserves to be paid for their work. Other than changing in coding, why are some application costs so high? You used to be able to purchase a mod or application for $5.00, but now they're asking $50.00? Is it really justified? I'm not knocking the work, just curious to know why.
  8. Been a member for just over two years and figured it was about time to at least make an introduction. My name is Mikey and I've been running(mostly) IPB for about 14 years. A lot has changed over the years. Looking forward to becoming more active in the community.
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