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  1. titcrunch is correct, I just need to configure rewrite. The live meta editor is not what I need.
  2. Would this be because I messed with friendly url's? We can not have the topic titles in the URLs, so I edited that. Edit: Nevermind, I understand now. I'll need to figure out how to do this for nginx. I'm used to working with apache and .htaccess so I'm not quite sure how to do this for nginx yet.
  3. I was going through meta tags and live meta tag editor but can't find any documentation on what I'd need to change. I assume I'm on the right trail here, but I don't know what I'd fill in for Page Title I assume it's something along the lines of {title} but honestly I'm just guessing.
  4. This unfortunately removes everyone's usernames as well as the usergroup.
  5. May be a dumb question but I've searched extensively. Maybe I'm just not looking for the proper keywords... idk. My Forum's Name is "Exodus Runescape Clan" When viewing any page on the site, the browser window's name and tabs in my browser are always "Exodus Runescape Clan" I'm looking for a way to change this to display the topic title instead of the name of the forum. Is there a way to do this? Thanks
  6. Recently we had group icons for all of our groups made, but after adding them I've noticed it doesn't replace the group title from the side of all posts I'm trying to remove the text that says high council so all you see is the group icon. I haven't been able to find where this is within the HTML and haven't had any success Googling to the issue. Does anyone have any insight on what will need to be changed?
  7. Upgrading to PHP7 did the trick. Idk what the issue with 5.6.x was...
  8. Uploaded IPS4.php to confirm, all green: http://i.imgur.com/Wc2CvgC.png ----------------------------------------------- > you have wait how many time in the process ? What do you mean? How long have I left the installation running without progress? This current install is pushing 40 minutes.
  9. Yeah installation prep page shows no error and nothing is red at all.
  10. I've switched to using this download and still have the same issue: I feel like I'm overlooking something basic. I have another VPS set up the same way and I was able to install IPB4 without an issue.
  11. I'm attempting to install IPB 4.1.17, specifically this null: However, upon initiating the installation I'm having an issue. The installation make no progress at all, it just looks as if it's installing forever: I'm running: Centos7 Nginx MariaDB 5.5.52 PHP 5.6.29 Can anyone offer any insight as to why the installation is not starting/completing? My console on the installation page:
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