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  1. both?, hmm it is a hard decision.
  2. Denetor

    E3 2019

    Is anyone watching the E3 conference of Electronic arts? or the next conferences of others 3rd party?
  3. Hi The RTX 2080 even if it is more expensive, its a GPU of actual gen and will be better across the time on every driver update that Nvidia launches, if you wanna something like the GTX 1080 on the 2000 series, get a RTX 2070 and you'll have a good GPU for games of actual and future generations with better performance and then you'll avoid to be stuck in an old gen. it is just a suggestion.
  4. thanks for your kindly answer, that's the version i have installed which goes according to the ckeditor version on the ipb suite but actually the real problem of this bug was caused by the browser, i found out thhat opera was somehow blocking some js stuff due to a bad upgradde on the browseer itself. this problem is now resolved and its working again :)
  5. the name of the plugin is Color dialog and thiss is the link: https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/colordialog it was working fine since the site was in the 4.2 version (now is 4.3.6), it was even working fine yesterday, but today i found it broken. i installed it by clicking in the "add a new button" tab under the tool bar option in the ACP.
  6. This is realted to the color text, i've installed a plugin for the CKEditor buttons to add more gama of colors to select but for some reason it stoped working. Everytime you select the option "more colors" it crash and the window never appear. How can i fix it? i wanted to delete the plugin but i can not find where does i can delete it.
  7. at the end both games are different, i feel Apex being simillar to titanfall, hard to say which game is better ?.
  8. The dark themes are best for me since my eyes are sensible to the light or bright things.
  9. sorry for the very late answer, i had to pay attetiong to the IRL things :P i got solved the problem, this was caused by a glitch while using the Musicbox app. Thanks alot for your replies and help
  10. hi. this happens to others members as well, i think something went broke with this glitch at some point but i don't know in what thing or in where this bug is generated. i did a fresh installation just to test the suite and there works fine, the problem is just in my live board.
  11. Sorry for the double post, does anyone can please provide a solution? i been trying everything thhat came on my mind :P
  12. Hi all Is basically what the title says, the right arrow key doesn't work while writing in the text processor of the site... meaning that no one can go foward the letters after fixing a word. I am using the latest version 4.3.6. is important to mantion that this happens only in my site (IPB suite) because this key works fine while browsing others web sites around the internet. Does anyone knows how and where to fix this bug in the IPB suite? Thanks!
  13. Denetor


    this small restriction is an effort by part of the webflake staff to keep the community active on here... looks like the people is more dependant of the socialnetworks latelly... at least that's my impresion.
  14. hmm i'll switch to redis, thanks alot for the info :D
  15. thank you so much for your answer, this is what i was looking for, so for IPB Memcache is the option to set. alright, i actually have APC but since my host have enabled redis and memcache i was wondering if i should change the cache method for any of those.
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