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  1. From my experience, the migration to 4.3 wasn't smooth and this has been with every 4.X number release, since 4.1. If you don't have really a lot of members or it's a gaming board, then, I suppose, it's just fine (I don't remember if it was marked as a critical security update, though). Most of the themes and plugins work just fine, without the need of an upgrade (4.1 -> 4.2), what made the upgrade not so smooth were the customizations to the code I had made. Long story short: it may have some bumps here and there but it generally should be fine. The custom code you may have added could be the only problem. Edit: I forgot that the latest release is 4.4.3. As far as I remember, 4.2.2 dates back to the summer of 2017 and you may really want to go to the newest version. You've been at 4.2.2 for a while and there were several critical security updates since then, a few of them related to adminCP security.
  2. I have managed to implement AdSense successfully on a real IPS Community Suite. If it's not an adblocker, check your AdSense dashboard, it has to say that your website is pending approval or has been disapproved. They don't really like nulled versions and this is probably the reason you wouldn't be able to get ads there anytime soon.
  3. Hello! The other day I upgraded my IPS 4.3.5 Forum to IPS 4.3.6. However, Login Handlers started failing and then they suddenly disappeared from my Account Settings page after I started randomly toggling options (and I never managed to get them back). All members are allowed to change their passwords (however, the option appears to be in orange). Any ideas on how to bring back the password changing option?
  4. @vitalz0r It's just an addition I wanted to implement. I have managed to do this by changing a little bit the Advanced Status Updates plugin. Is anybody interested in downloading it?
  5. Hey! What browser are you using? Some browsers like IE and older versions of MS Edge download mp3s instead of playing them.
  6. Hello everyone! I've been trying recently to implement the like button in IPS 4.3 Status Updates widget in every status. There hasn't been any luck for now. Any ideas?
    Thanks for sharing! Works like a charm!
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