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Everything posted by nick47274

  1. Hey, can you check your [TH] Donate resource when you have a chance? Thanks ❤️

    This is broken, wouldn't recommend downloading. Unless someone can tell me why this occurs? " Callback ThemeHouse\Core\Branding::renderAddonBranding is invalid (error_invalid_class)." during install.
  2. How safe is it to get addons when you have a license from here? Any risks that can get your license withdrawn from some kind of built in protection, or anything such as it?
  3. Looking to buy a IPB license, preferably for the latest version that no one needs anymore. The transfer has to be done through the proper channel for payment to be received. I'm willing to buy it for 20 dollars above the renewal price., so 60 dollars. Edit: Disregard.
  4. try to directly log into the admin panel using yoururl.com/adm(in)? Then upgrade if you can?
  5. nick47274

    Twitch DB

    Yep, far as I know.
  6. nick47274

    Twitch DB

    Hey, I just got this page going a few mins ago but the language being displayed is screwed up....how could I go about fixing this? @leguedric
  7. Hey, everyone! I've installed the integration just fine without any issues but I've come across the widget not working. I've ensured that the widget is enabled on the discord server itself. This is how it looks: Discord Settings: What do?
  8. Apologies for the delay, but it wasn't possible to tick, I should have made a screenshot but I didn't. It wasn't displayed correctly in the first place and the tick mark was grey, stating it didn't need an update for some reason. Now there more errors with my tasks not running properly, I might just reinstall. Not much content will be lost (It's a small forum and quiet) @Head Guru - How would I go about doing it via the ACP?
  9. Pretty much the title, to be honest. Any reason why it didn't do it?
  10. I have a forum for a gaming community I run and have previously had forums for various topics as well, including game reviews, peer to peer support for various hardware and software things and more.
    An awesome application would recommend to anyone. Could need a version update though if the author of this download on Webflake can get it!
  11. I assume it's a saved action, but how do you get the IPS Information styled template in there? Is that the 'Highlighted' messages that members can assign to a post or is this just raw code calling upon the template to appear and the text inside of it? Like, I'm sure I get the jist, I'm just not sure how to go about it and I couldn't find a tutorial (though I've never been good with keywords)
  12. Back a couple years ago and I imagine you could still find some forums that still do it, but you can go to these sites and get 'packages' of users who simply go to your forum, get a generalized understanding of the topic from what you provide and the forum in question and give you x amount of posts for x amount of time. It can be a paid or free service, and at one point, I was a packager myself. It's not exactly fake users, but it's definitely temporary. I know the thread is old, but I thought to revive it and giving this little piece of feedback, might spark a new discussion on it. Does anyone even remember those sites at all, if you've had any experience with them, of course.
  13. I use a free one simply because it's free, I think with enough SEO work, you could still get the advantages of a cheap/paid domain.
  14. Hiya, I have been trying to connect another IPS site of the same version and same domain (sub domain) and have run into an issue where I don't really seem to have much information on. I've set it up correctly, copied and pasted the secret and identifier correctly as the guide states but when I go to connect my accounts (both are admins if that makes any difference) it just states 'Something went wrong!' but then I go to check the authorizations and there it is? I hard refreshed both sites and still have the same thing...... what am I doing wrong...?
  15. I'm actually in the process of using it for an RP community, I like the features it has currently, but the ease of use and user-friendliness is lackluster. For one, details for the customer have to be adjusted in the store tab itself, when I believe it would be better suited in the account settings inside the user control panel. However, it's really the only one that bugs me specifically and from what I been exploring so far, nothing else really grinds my gears. But they really need an option to disable the hosting part of the 'store' application.... That's just asking for trouble.
  16. 4.1.17 at the time with 7.1.23 PHP. Running the latest 4.3 that was on WebFlake and it works fine with the PHP I have going currently
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