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  1. I have the following errors when i unistalled the easy pages it keep the aplication there when i unistalled it, when i try to unistalled i get the sql error.
  2. hey how can i make it like this?
  3. Hi i wanted to make this hook -> To have the same size of this one ->
  4. Prefix: <b><span style="color:green; background: url(&quot;http://tinyurl.com/outgum&quot;) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;"> Sufix: </span>
  5. Hmm i already had the skin when we put the hook what should i do now? ...
  6. Hi there so im having a litle problem that is some users are going out of the hooks box '-' How should i fix this?
  7. how do i make them larger to the sides?
  8. Hi, i would like to know how to make this box like webflake the one around the forum
  9. Yes it worked before the search function in the forum works fine tried all the sugestion din't work omgggg found a temporary solution its using the top bar from acp and it works to search the members name will have to do until i find a better solution
  10. No errors in either logs after search '-'
  11. Doesn't work either ways, i think il create a forum from scratch but i wanted to use the same sql from the old one is it possible?
  12. Logs of sql http://www57.zippyshare.com/v/38520067/file.html
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