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DaNnIbOi last won the day on November 6 2018

DaNnIbOi had the most liked content!

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  1. Hey, all I’m seeing is this; This community is not available
  2. I believe it’s a fault with cloudflare if you have that installed?
  3. For me, it will always be XF, there is so much more you can do with it and I find the easiness of editing the templates great!
  4. Welcome to the community!
  5. I've owned an iPhone since the 4S days, but I am looking more and more at getting an Android! Apple just seems stale now....
  6. For me it's MalwareByts on my computer. Always used it and i personally don't have any issues from it.
  7. You'd be surprised at how many message boards are using this rule now. I personally think it's a good idea for that rule to be in place, it stops the leechers.
  8. Nice update! I had ad-block on for this site, but I have just this minute allowed this website access, I hope this helps! Keep up the good work Davlin
  9. Thank you! I lost all of my bookmarks so lost contact with this site as a result! Glad to be back though :)
  10. Just stopping by to say hi! Hope to be able to help this site out with some XF releases
  11. Version 1.0.1


    This addon allows your members to customize their own profiles with various options. You can manage through a unique permission which member can customize his profile or not. Current customization options Select avatar display type Add a banner to profile Ability to create a custom tab in profile Choose profile page color
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