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    As other people has mentioned, this doesn't work on a forum with a SSL certificate, sadly! After editing the database XML files to fetch stuff from https-servers instead of http, streams displays. But the stream info on the tabs to the left only show a dot. Not the amount of viewers and not the streamer etc
  1. Hi, I recently moved my forum to a /forum/ directory and changed the URL in conf_global.php. Now when I visit the forum, none of the FontAwesome icons are showing. How can I fix this??
    It works fine and can find the servers like it's supposed to. Although the icons for the games etc are not showing.
    Can't install it on! I get a connection-reset error from chrome when trying to update my older version to this
    Did not work on IPS Community Suite, got this error on chrome: ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
  2. We can mark this as solved, I guess I downloaded some weird version of the forum, works fine now with the latest IPboard community suite from here!
  3. Is this the one you're using together with this theme? EDIT: Thankfully I can upload themes with the forum version, but that theme seems outdated, it's not the one you screenshotted. Can you link in?
    Edited my review since I was dumb and used wrong ipb version.. Though my theme is white on the top? Doesn't look like the screenshots
  4. How did you even get chameleon working? I can't even upload a theme to my forum..
  5. Hi, I can't upload group images on my IPBoard 4.1 This is the result I get: Anyone know how to solve this?
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