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Kanda Sorata

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  1. None of these, Alt:V Multiplayer is better
  2. Android is obviously better if you don't use your phone for work, if you plan to spend most of your time to play or doing other shit don't use an iphone, it's too much expensive for that
  3. I honestly prefer dark themes as light themes are literraly killing my eyes, gamer preference so
  4. IPB is good, i don't really like MyBB, but there's xenforo too that is cool
  5. I don't really like any of these two battlefields, the WW context have been so many done by other games and old games, it's now boring and it proof the license is "done" they don't have new context to do a battlefield, so they come back on old context, i didn't bought these battlefield but have played alpha and beta stage of the two battlefield here
  6. There is obviously a lot of people wich come from every country across the world who are here, i'm from france for exemple
  7. I have 4 cats, one wich have more than 12 years, the other one like 10 years, the third have 6 years, and the last one have 3 years, i had a dog, a beautiful golden retriever, but she died 2 month ago, she was 12 years old too
  8. Windows is made for gaming and personnal stuff, while mac is made for pro stuff, the choice is easy with that in mind
  9. None of these two, thats shitty food
  10. Windows for sure, because windows is done for personnal use, gaming and so on, instead of apple wich is for profesionnal only
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