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About ExoSan

  • Birthday 01/03/1993

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  1. Hello, very nice site!!!
  2. Hey guys! I was quite inactive for personal reasons, but I hope to be able to be active and adapt my times well. How the community has grown! I hope I can help to continue this. See you there!
  3. Thank you very much! That really helped. Regards!
  4. Thank you very much, I was going to ask the same
  5. And you can get all those nulled scripts by free also. The donation system is just a perk for your account, and a big help to the community. I donated $5 this week, but surely I will keep donating more. It's a very good site with very helpful people, donating for me it is a win-win. Regards!
  6. Thanks! That really helped. Now the only thing I would need is: Remove the "transparent" from the Categories. I thought it was easy to change that, but I couldn't find any option for this in the Theme settings. Regards!
  7. I got this error: " Google rejected the details provided. Please check the details you provided have been entered correctly and try again. " Any idea of the root cause?
  8. ExoSan

    Xenforo or IPB?

    IPBoard 4. I've using XenForo for a couple of months and since last week implemented IPB and it is awesome. As others said, XF is very outdated.
  9. Hi there!! My name is Santiago and I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I found your website because I want an alternative to a similar forum like yours, so I googled and found your amazing community. Hope to be here for a long time. See you there!
  10. Hi there, I am coming back to IPBoard after working with XF and I found out it has changed a lot in version 4 (comparing with IPB3). I have implemented IPB with Uniform theme. Having this said, I have some doubts I would need your help: I am not able to find where I can modify the icons from the menu bar. Right now this is how I see it: http://i.imgur.com/yh2vFIx.png and I would like to have something like: http://i.imgur.com/jvO4k87.png SOLVED I also can't find how to add the sidebar to the forums. In theme settings the sidebar is configured to be in the right, but the forum is the only thing I see: http://i.imgur.com/7ZCLzKF.png SOLVED I installed (BIM41) Chatbox, but I don't know how I can add it at the top of the forums index. SOLVED The last thing, I would like to remove the "transparent" from the Categories. I thought it was easy to change that, but I couldn't find any option for this in the Theme settings. SOLVED Hope you can help me with this. Thanks!
  11. I added it to "pageHeader" but it is also showing to me (forum admin). Any guess?
  12. This is to add sidebar to the forum? I am not being able to find how to add it
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