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Everything posted by QlixMeister

    Hello, umm when I try to install it, I get this error: screenshot (or below in attachements) And when I reload, it's broken in many places as if it didn't transfer everything. Theme looks good though and I thank you for this contribution
  1. So the other day I got asked by a friend to make a logo for him and his team, even though I'm quite a rookie at doing this and have little to no imagination I've done something, but it feels like something is still missing... The team call themselves Kul Kids Club, therefore the abbrevation would be KKC. What could I add, or change to make it look more professional?
  2. I wanna play some quality singleplayer or MMO games. I prefer the really good story line or really good graphics quality. Any suggestions? My PC specs: CPU: i7-6700K GPU: Nvidia Geforce gtx1080 (8gb) RAM: 16GB DDR4 SSD drive
  3. Thanks, glad to be back although I don't know if this is the place to ask, if not, please delete this comment, however I can't download any files at all. Are these the consenquences of the upgrade to 4.2 or is it just me and my account? If my account was locked or prohibited from downloading for some reason, I'd like to know. Sorry for being forward and thanks in advance
  4. Hi guys, my name is Rajko. I was introduced to this website by a friend long time ago, and I am still using it, for it is useful and resourceful. I am still studying web design, so I may not know enough to contribute as much as some, but once I learn to code, I'd love to share my work with you guys. I wasn't using this website for couple of months now, due to some medical and school issues, but now I'm back and hopefully will stay here. Cya around
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