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  1. I'm the one that requested the logos above! Here's my review: Global: 5/5 Delivery Time: 10/5 (For real, everything was completed in about 3~4 hours counting from the moment I contacted him, it was insane) Quality: 5/5 Review: Really recommend @Rainbow Dash's work. Considering he charges 1 euro, it's insane how professional everything flows. You get a briefing template to fill out and guide your request, then you're constantly being updated with newer versions and you'll only be charged once you're 100% set with the art created. Then afterwards you even get a receipt, it's truly great!
  2. Definitely Android. Much better to have the possibility of changing everything, even though I know I won't do it in the end lol
  3. Hello, I noticed this site's navbar has a pretty unique behavior. So I really would like to get something like it on my site. How to add these tabs? Is it the standard page application? How to make the tabs show other menu links while you're hovering instead of having to click on them?
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