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Files posted by xzoex

  1. BBCode in Forum Descriptions

    This hook will allow admins to use BBCode on forums descriptions.



  2. Simplify

    [b]Simplify delivers a clean, fresh and minimalist feel throughout the IPB forum whilst ensuring areas of importance are clearly emphasised and easy to use.[/b]

    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]Simplify allows administrators to customize the skin in a variety of different
    ways through the ACP making it one of the most powerful IPB skins in the
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]Offer your users the power to instantly change your forums color scheme live & on-the-fly[/size][/font]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]Alternatively, you can disable the color picker and choose your own global color scheme from the admin control panel.[/size][/font]
    purely by javascript and CSS so it's quick and light-weight. No need
    for multiple images! Works in all browsers plus IE7![/size][/font]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]All custom Javascript and CSS code is minified (compressed) to reduce file size & server load.[/size][/font]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]The custom icons in Simplify are all compiled into CSS sprites. This speeds up the skin by reducing HTTP requests.[/size][/font]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]The full original and layered Photoshop document is included within the download package free of charge![/size][/font]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]Add custom social media icons to the skin allowing direct access to various social networks![/size][/font]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]Icons included with the skin include - Facebook, Twitter, Google+, PayPal, Skype, LinkedIn, Vimeo, Youtube & Lastfm.[/size][/font]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]Add, remove and customize the URL of the icons ALL through the ACP Skin settings page![/size][/font]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]By default, the Simplify logo is purely HTML & CSS thus offering an
    easier to manage, SEO friendly and light-weight solution.[/size][/font]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]Change your site title and sub-title right in the skin settings page in the admin control panel![/size][/font]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]Alternatively, administrators can switch to an image based logo through the skin
    settings page. A logo PSD is included in the download package. [/size][/font]
    [/list][size=5][font=helvetica][b]Extensive Skin Documentation & Support[/b][/font][/size][list]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]The download package includes a documentation folder which contains
    numerous informative and helpful tips such as how to install the skin,
    or how to add your own social icons![/size][/font]
    [/list][size=5][font=helvetica][b]What's included?[/b][/font][/size][list]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]FULL original layered PSD and Logo PSD![/size][/font]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]Skin documentation & FAQ's[/size][/font]
    [*][font=helvetica][size=4]Skin, Images & Settings XML's[/size][/font]
    [/list][size=5][font=helvetica][b]Does it work with IPS add-ons?[/b][/font][/size]
    Simplify has been tested with the following applications:[list]



  3. (e32) Custom Sidebar Blocks

    Create, store, and display unlimited custom index sidebar blocks without
    needing to perform any file/skin edits. You can use plain text, bbcode,
    html, javascript, or PHP. This means paypal donate buttons, youtube
    videos, facebook like widgets, (so anything based on html and
    javascript), or anything you can post in an IPB editor can be displayed
    as an index block. System is cached so no extra querying is needed.

    As of version 2.0, PHP blocks are possible. I will be providing block details for various blocks [url="http://emoneycodes.com/forums/forum/21-custom-sidebar-blocks-blocks/"]here[/url]. Here are the first couple:[list]
    [*][url="http://emoneycodes.com/forums/topic/293-todays-top-posters/"]Today's Top Posters[/url]
    [*][url="http://emoneycodes.com/forums/topic/294-pinned-topics/"]Pinned Topics[/url]
    Global Settings include:[list]
    [*]Show on Portal
    [*]Show above default portal blocks or below
    change position of all custom blocks via the drag/drop reordering of
    the ACP->Manage Hooks page (and further ordering via the custom
    blocks themselves)
    [*]All blocks are completely sortable now with new Export Block feature
    Per-Block Settings include:[list]
    [*]Block Title
    [*]Block Image
    [*]Block Content
    [*]Use IPB-standard Block Table to house contents
    [*]Drag and Drop Sorting
    [*]Raw Mode? (for javascript/adsense/widgets/facebook apps/twitter/etc)
    [*]Remove Ability for User to Collapse Block? (Good for advertisements, donation buttons, etc)
    [*]Enable Permissions
    [*]View Permissions via built-in IPB permission masks
    [*]PHP Support (with most/all IPB objects read, such as $this->memberData, $this->DB, etc)

    new setting which turns off the IPB editor is to avoid parsing issues
    with PHP and RAW blocks. If you want the editor so you can make bbcode
    blocks easier, feel free to enable.



  4. Global Ajax Quick Search

    This Hook extends the global quick search to provide an AJAX-powered modal display of search results as you type or submit.
    Includes AJAX pagination, application and content type switch.

    One purchase per installation. You [b]must [/b]purchase multiple copies if needing the modification for multiple sites.
    [url="http://www.marchertech.com"]Live Demo[/url]



  5. Top X Stats

    The stats that will show are as follow:

    1) Newest Users

    2) Top Posters

    3) Top Forums

    4) Most Recent Posts

    Install the hook.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel and then to configure it go to System Settings where you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs.

    There you can decide where you want the hook to appear, at the top and/or the bottom of the forum, choose the position where to display it, enter the title for the Top X Stats Box, set the number of stats that you would like to show and choose the group/s that you want to restrict from viewing the Top X Stats Box.
    And as last but not least you can exclude posts from a certain forum/forums from showing.



  6. (SOS32) Download Allowed after Posting 3.0.1

    After install this this hook, only users that posted a new comment or a new post in support topic (it depends on your category settings) will can download the file! Admins, Supermoderators, category moderators and file submitter can download file anytime.

    Now you can set which user groups will need to post or comment in order to download a file.



  7. (SP32) Unapproved Content Count 1.0.0

    Adds the total count of unapproved topics and posts to the admin bar.

    The displayed text, when clicked, will take you to the Unapproved Content section inside the ModCP. The text will not display if there are no items.



  8. [XPD] Login Captcha 1.1.0

    Login Captcha is a hook that shows the anti-bot/anti-spam captcha during log in. It will ONLY function on the built-in methods (Default(legacy) and reCaptcha).



  9. User Online Status in Topics

    Restores an indicator showing whether each poster is online or offline in the Topic View.



  10. Group Title Permission

    This hook will allow users from selected groups to edit their member title without number of posts restriction.



  11. IPContent "Ported" Hooks Block Collection 1.0.0

    This Set Of Ipcontent Blocks Includes:[list]
    [*]Fully Functional Latest Status Updates Block(+*).
    [*]Board Index Recent Topics.
    [*]Board Index Latest Facebook Activity(+#*).
    [*]Recent Blog Entries Block(#).
    [*]Latest Files Block(#).
    [*]Nexus Donations Block(#).
    [*]Nexus Support Requests Block(+#).
    [*]* Wrapper Javascript Required
    [*]+ 0-Cache Essential
    [*]# Accompanying Application/Hook Required.
    [*]All Return The Hook Templates from Skin.



  12. Our Forums IPContent Block 1.0.2

    This Block will allow you to replicate the IPB Forum Index Category/Forum/Sub-Forum List.
    If used within IPB/IPC, it functionally remembers each Forum Categories Minimized/Maximized state for the Currently Viewing Member, as well as allowing the Same Maximize/Minimize functionality.
    This block Cleverly re-uses the stock boardIndexTemplate and native controller methods, ensuring upgrade survivability, maximum version compatibility, and a proper full forums index shown.
    If You Have ever Wanted Your Forum Index, or a single/multiple Forum categories index to be Available "Elsewhere", This Block Is For You.
    Inclusion of a Live External usage DEMO in the readme.html with accompanying CSS, to make it fairly easy to use this Block Anywhere.



  13. (RSyvarth) Audio Shoutbox Alerts 1.4.0

    This is a modification of IP.Shoutbox that adds a small audio notification whenever there is a new post in the shoutbox. It is very useful for active shoutboxes or if you just want to ensure that you never miss a message. It is especially useful when you are browsing the web on another tab but still wish to monitor shoutbox activity.


    Plays a sound on every new shout!
    Users have 100% control over volume level with View 1 Enabled
    Second Volume Display setting (Configured via ACP) which allows for a "Toggle Only" volume control to save space on the shoutbox interface.
    Third Volume Display setting (Configured via ACP) allows for a single button click volume toggle.
    Volume levels are attached to the account so once it is set it will stay with that user every time they view the shoutbox. So if they mute it, it will remain muted.
    Volume level updated via AJAX for a application like interaction (no refreshing while changing volume)
    Page Title notifications of new posts when you are on a different tab (Similar to Facebook Chat Notifications)
    Control whether an Audio Alert is played when you submit a shout (Hear sound for your own shouts)



  14. (EJ33) Ad block Blocker

    With this hook you can show users who are using an ad blocker extension a message or you can block them and redirect them to an intructions page or deny page.

    Tested with IE, Firefox, Chrome and Opera. (5 different ad blockers).


    - Enable / Disable
    - Popup Title
    - Popup Message
    - OK / NOT OK Button
    - Redirect to a page (Instructions Message or Deny Message) / Only nag screen
    - exclude specific groups
    - Show the popup only one time in xx minutes

    Leave a reply in the support topic if you have suggestions / ideas for the next version or if have found an undetected ad blocker.

    [b]For the users who updating the hook. don't forget to overwrite the JS Files[/b]



  15. Ghost Ship 3.4.x

    Ghost Ship skin for IP.Board 3.4.x. Dark style on shades of blue. Graphic elements: ferns, coastal plants, skeletons and bones, are creating a mysterious atmosphere. Especially for gaming forums. Skin is compatible with most IPS addons.

    [b]Compatible with:[/b]

    and much more

    [b]Files Included:[/b]

    logo PSD
    skin files



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