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  1. I thought the 2 series was the best ever one. They don't make them like they used to. We will agree to disagree on that one.
  2. Hello Tony, thanks for getting back to me. No they aren't from the 3 series. I didn't expect to be going back to 3.4 after upgrading to 4+ but there's too many cons than pros with it now compared to the 3 series. Been with ipb for a long time but although some good times, I am finding the software less admin/user friendly from my perspective. Thanks for trying to help,.
  3. Hello, is there a way to downgrade from IPB 4.5 to the 3x series, preferably 3.4? Yes, I do have my database and all backed up.
  4. I have 15 posts but still unable to make a request in the IPB section for a 3.4 hook.
  5. That he found another woman. That put the biggest smile on my face. At long last I was rid of bad rubbish.
  6. For sure. How long does it take you to brush your teeth?
  7. Nearing middle age I have been lucky not to have broken any bones in my life as yet.
  8. I'm looking for for a good host with a lot of data space as my forum has at the moment over 10,000+ games on it but aim to go treble that at least in the next month so would need a host that provides at least 50g or more of data space and unlimited bandwidth. All depending on price and how good their reviews are I guess.
  9. Ribs

    Xenforo or IPB?

    Hate IPB4, prefer 3.4 version. Not tried Xenforo as an owner but as a member I do enjoy using it.
  10. A roast dinner, you can't beat it.
  11. Ribs

    Windows 10

    All I can say is bring back XP!
  12. Ribs

    Suggest games

    Rise of the Tomb Raider. I believe it is released tomorrow for the PS4, been out for a year on the Xbox.
  13. No. I did use Avast home edition but have changed to Windows Defender. I have no problems.
  14. Firefox. I have no issues with it at all. I have tried Chrome and Edge but didn't like them very much.
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