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About Bradwbu

  • Birthday 12/09/1996

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  1. Bradwbu

    Andriod 10

    I upgraded to it and haven’t really noticed a difference other than the few additions that were added in. Actually, my phone automatically updated to 10 overnight and I didn’t even realize until about a week later lmao. Android 11, tho… yeah can’t wait for that.
  2. Hey guys, As you can see I’m a Snow Tier on WF. The issue is it’s not showing that on the Discord Server. I’ve linked my accounts and still nothing. How do I get this fixed?
  3. I was really looking forward to OAuth2 Server, but I tested that and it still doesn't work right... meh.
  4. Does anyone know of an application or plugin that can display an Alert/Notification Banner at the top of the board? Kind of like how WF has the Donation Banner at the top of this board currently.
  5. Figured it out myself. Exported xf_user.sql from Xenforo database and imported it to my IPS database. Issue resolved.
  6. This is migrating posts/topics from Xenforo. So it’s asking for the table where the posts are coming from? The table that is showing as missing isn’t even related to my Xenforo board. How do I change the table that it is requesting?
  7. Well, which table would be used to convert the posts? Are you able to help me with this? I'm not very experienced with tables and issues like this one.
  8. No, that table doesn't exist. I'll be honest, I hate phpmyadmin and have the least experience with it. Should I go ahead and add the table?
  9. Hey all, I have yet another error with the conversion tool in IPS. (getting kind of discouraged with IPS) Anyway, when trying to migrate the forum posts/topics from my Xenforo forum over to IPS, I get an error that says: How could I go about resolving this issue? Thanks.
  10. The issue has been resolved. I had to include /home/[ftpusername]/public_html/data/avatars
  11. Any recommendations to get around this? I need my members on my IPS forum.
  12. In the conversion tool in IPS, it says that the avatar folder is located in the data folder. I don't see an avatars folder in the root. Here's a screenshot.
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