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  1. Yep! Now how i do color the "notification icon" and other? then how do I type it shake? Like, I'm going with the lower page and the NavBar following me?
  2. Cacca

    Xenforo or IPB?

    Obviously my loved IPB.
  3. Thank You! Has work! Thanks a lot for both :D
  4. Sorry but i don't understand x.x Would you like enter in my forum and change the HTML of my theme?
  5. Into the CSS Mother? ({template: "userphoto"})
  6. Yeah, i want rounded photos on the userbar on my theme, but only on userbar
  7. Yeah but, when i import new "Userbar" nothing change..
  8. Hi, webfriends! On IpB 4.1 how to change the user bar? Or import from other themes? Sorry, but.. This is very orrible with Not Rounded Photos xD
  9. I had not the MySQL password , because they do not me they had sent via e-mail, I solved by sending a ticket and they sent me the MySQL password , since I had only the usual data in the database or, name and username , believed that the password was that of cPanel instead had to send it by email , but it was not there, so I sent the ticket and I fixed it ^^
  10. Please, answers me. This is very important, with this i have find the problem of the last my 2 topics. Now i need resolve it.
  11. Hi, i have re-installed my IpBoard on new hosting... And i have reached the Servel Details, but... I have insert correctly all... But give me this error.. :c Please help me, i needed Forum Ip Board!
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