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  1. Not working and still cant find a solution.
  2. Hello, is it possible to remove these icons before the Dropdown menu name? If yes, how do i do it? I tried to search in the Theme (Edit HTML & CSS) but could not find anything...
  3. Yes, i also used the same host almost a year ago and I had no problems... I've also tried different versions of IPS
  4. Hello, i installed IPS 4.4 and tried to use some widgets from the block manager but i keep getting this error.... Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance
  5. Camila Cabello Crying in the club!
  6. I always used Avast and always used Codes that i found on the internet :D, very happy with Avast Antivirues :)!
  7. Nikola

    Suggest games

    Paladins to play when you are bored kind of interesting game (It is free on Steam)
  8. Nikola

    Windows 10

    At the beginning it was kind of slow if you compare it with Windows 7. I searched on Youtube for Windows 10 Performance and i tried it out and it worked and now im happy with the performance.
  9. Of course Google Chrome the fastest one. I also used Vivaldi also good and fast!
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