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  1. From my experience, the IPS eco-system is much more developer friendly. XenForo is more 'indoctrinated'.
  2. I found a solution, if anyone stumbles upon this problem. You have to edit the Guests Group and make them unable to access the forums. Thus login is required.
    Installed 4.2.2 and started customizing it. Everything went smooth, no problems so far. Great Stuff!
  3. This does it for me when coding stuff. It's a 24/7 live, so you can code until you die from tiredness.
  4. Helps a lot with customization and without using plugins. Works on 4.2.2. Thanks!
  5. This can be done through the Edit Front-End Colors:
  6. Not really. Thanks for the answer tho!
  7. Hello, I recently started using IPS4 and it's been great so far! I'd like to thank the community for the released of the platform itself and the plugins. With this, I have a question. I was unable to find the 'Force guests to login' function which IPS3 had. Also, no plugin related to that feature. I thought it wouldn't matter, just hide the forums and we're good to go. It worked, but the problem that I encounter is that I can't hide the widgets and Guests can still access most of the pages. I am asking you if there's a plugin to force the guests to login or hide some things when they are first joining the site. Thank you!
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