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[GB] Dan

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Everything posted by [GB] Dan

  1. This is my budget PC Specs: Motherboard - 4x Some Random Motherboards made in India. (Probably Sweat Shops) Processor - 8x Intel® Xeon® Processor E7-8870 v3 2.10 GHz Graphics - 16 GeForce GTX 1080 RAM - 10x 128MGB DDR3 Ram Storage - 10x 228 TB SSD - Hard Drives FTW F**k SSD Case - 4x Some random Case Cooling - F**k Cooling. Who needs Cooling Cable Management - Non Existent Operating System - Windows 97 (x86) I'm looking to grab some new processors to shove into this beast as i don't think 144 Cores that run at 2.10GHz each is enough to even load up the operating system and also I need new Graphics cards so I can get above 10 FPS on my Desktop I'm on a tight budget so I didn't put to much money into it, but oh well... P.S I'm commenting on a S***ty Netbook
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