Hello WebFlake,
If this is a wrong section sorry for that .. My question and request is .. I have been using Categories Tabs hook but unfortunately it doesn't shows the categories how i want after a searching while on net i found a piece of code and really it was interesting .. But sadly i couldn't implement on IP.Board 3.4.x
I am requesting could anyone please help me to run this code on my website ..
Thanks in advance ..
var TabPages =
Regards: function () {},
Adam: function () {},
test: function() {},
Initialize: function () {
jQuery('#menutabs li a').click(function (e) {
var elem = jQuery(e.target);
var text = elem.text().replace('&', '+').replace(' ', '+').replace('/', '-and-');
document.location.hash = '#!' + text;
jQuery('#menutabs > li .selected').removeClass('selected');
localStorage.setItem("nulledNavHash", document.location.hash);
ParseHash: function (launch) {
var hash = localStorage.getItem("nulledNavHash") || document.location.hash;
hash = hash.replace('#!', '');
if(launch) {
var lsHash = document.location.hash || localStorage.getItem("nulledNavHash");
if(typeof(lsHash) === 'string') {
document.location.hash = '#!' + lsHash.replace('#!', '');
lsHash = lsHash.replace('#!', '');
var e = jQuery('#menutabs a').filter(function (index) {
return jQuery(this).text().replace('&', '+').replace(' ', '+').replace('/', '-and-') == lsHash;
if(e.length > 0) {
jQuery('#menutabs > li .selected').removeClass('selected');
} else {
var hashTable = [];
hashTable['Tab Name'] = [ 1, 4 ];
hashTable['Tab Name'] = [6, 116];
hashTable['Tab Name'] = [67];
hashTable['Tab Name'] = [ 34 ];
hashTable['Tab Name'] = [ 62, 75 ];
hashTable['Tab Name'] = [ 89, 56 ];
hashTable['Tab Name'] = [ 50, 10 ];
hashTable['Tab Name'] = [45];
hashTable['Tab Name'] = [40, 105];
hashTable['Tab Name'] = [ 22, 16 ];
jQuery ('.forum_main_block').hide();
if(typeof(hashTable[hash]) !== 'undefined') {
hashTable[hash].forEach(function (c) {
jQuery ('#category_' + c).show();
ScrollToBody: function () {
jQuery('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: jQuery('#forumCategories').offset().top
}, 100);
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
<ul id="menutabs">
<li><a href="#" class="selected">Tab Name</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Tab Name</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Tab Name</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Tab Name</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Tab Name</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Tab Name</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Tab Name</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Tab Name</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Tab Name</a></li>
When i implemented above code on my blog i simple got names they were not working .. could any one please help me to sort this issue thanks ..