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  1. As @Stevew said, those are FontAwesome icons: https://fontawesome.com/ Look up that you're trying to use a Free one (since you might not have the premium package of Font Awesome icons) and not the Beta 6 ones. If you need to inspect an element through a "mobile version" use this: Right click on your site -> Inspect to open the Chrome developer tools In the top left corner you'll find those tools. If the icon still shows correctly with that, then we'll have a new hints to solve the issue. Also, a lot of templates have their own theme configurations to match the responsive need for other dispositives, such as phones. That might be the issue too, that you're editing that but the phone it's picking up another code to make it responsive (available for sure into your template).
  2. Just to try, it might be the friendly urls? Don't know, try to disable them, that might be the issue (they use the rewrite module as far as I know)
  3. Loving your website! Such a shame I don't understand the main language so I'm pretty lost most of the time. Don't you think it's possible to add an english section or the possibility to change locally?
  4. Welcome back! A lot of us are recurring users who created their accounts long time ago!
  5. I think i'm talking in the name of everyone to say thanks for the guide, but do this only if you really need to do it! I mean, we're here almost taking everything for free, if you don't really mind on having the copyright, let it be. Of course, it's up to everyone to do it or no.
  6. Sorry if its kinda late, but welcome!
  7. Hi to all Webflake's members! Im not new really, but i came here as all the people for downloading some files. Today, after a long year of this site providing free resources i decided to give to it something in exchange so i'll try to help in anything code-related in IPB. I hope to have interesting times here and learn in any ways this forum can do for me. See ya!
  8. Thanks but i mean adding them here: -- EDITING -- I found it, for those who wants to know: You must fill the Formating visualization to make it work, thanks! Where "Software" and "Version" are, for example since those are custom i think. I added a few long time ago, but they just appears in the Members public profile and not in the topic view profile, maybe its a template edition?
  9. Hello! Recently i wanted to modify some Profiles in Viewtopic field, i mean, the small profile that you can see meanwhile you're watching a post, in here you've 2 custom profiles that are Software and Version that appears when you're watching a topic. Is there a way to do it? I tried with the "Profiles" section but it just let me edit the Members profile, not the viewtopic profile. Thanks in advice!
  10. Solved, the issue was that: You need to upload the plugin in the Applications, but no in the FTP management, it gives error.
  11. I'll redo it again, if it works i'll post it here, thanks for the help! -- Edit -- Still not working, im really confused about that. -- Edit 2 -- I reinstalled the forums with a fresh installation, without any plugin, theme or modification and installing the Group collaboration 1.3.8, still the same issue and not knowing what's the main cause.
  12. Already tried, seems to be the same error again, is it really working with that version? Im really curious about that information.
  13. Hello! Recently i downloaded the application Group Collaboration 1.3.8 but installing it gives me an error. Im using Invision Power 4 (, so 4.X must be working on that version. Information: Doing in a Paid hosting. Fresh installation. Template installed. Error logs found (on System logs) - Screenshoot in the topic. My hosting didn't preformed issues in their configuration.
  14. https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/403406-force-members-to-login-before-showing-the-board/ Is that helping you?
    Thanks! Really appreciated!
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