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RitoshiX last won the day on May 8 2020

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Here in the Philippines the pandemic are slowly decreasing the infected cases.
  2. Welcome to the webflake community @buster33 see you around
  3. @Jeffrey thanks for helping me but this is not the updated version and i'm looking for updated one.
  4. RitoshiX

    FiveM Player?

    thanks cool if you need help i can help you with developing your friends server
  5. RitoshiX

    FiveM Player?

    Do any of you play FiveM, the online mod of GTA 5 Roleplay? For those unfamiliar with it, it is a game in which you have to impersonate a character and, structuring his story on the Discord, you have to perform certain actions. For example, on the server where I play I am a Detective II of the Los Santos Police Department, and my story is that of a boy raised with healthy values, from Baltimore, with a policeman father who died at work.
  6. How will coronavirus affect internet speed? anyone has expertise to predict if speed will dramatically decrease during these times or something similar?
  7. RitoshiX

    Question Downloading w/IDM

    thank you @Davlinfor enlighten us because i'm using IDM too
  8. RitoshiX

    Question Downloading w/IDM

    I think there is an issue between IDM and webflake download limitation. Anyway lets wait for the staff so that they can explain clearly and hope this will be solved soon.
  9. RitoshiX

    Question Downloading w/IDM

    it happens to me as well i think the problem is in the IDM and i'm a little bit confused because your rank is already Novice and Novice has 5 files downloads per day
  10. what do you mean? what problem?
  11. nope. its Modern Gamer XF2 Nulled (10 Presets) v. i'm still waiting for the staff to approved my upload files
  12. thanks for helping me. is there anyway to put in css?
  13. i already submit it to webflake and waiting to be accepted by the staff. Modern Gamer XF2 Nulled (10 Presets) v.
  14. Version


    Features Fully Responsive – great on mobile and tablets Tested with the most popular Xenforo resources! A unique market feature, your style is already configured to look seamlessly compatible with many of the most widely used Xenforo mods Free slideshow system Professional footer layout builder — Up to 10 block locations, flexible columns and wide parallax rows! Full support for XenGallery & Resource Manager Full screen background wallpapers JQuery background slideshow – up to five wallpaper images! Easy to change color palette Google fonts Set sidebar to left, right, or disabled Full FontAwesome integration Logo Photoshop PSD Comprehensive documentation Dozens of additional settings Includes 10 Presets! Modern Gamer XF2 Nulled Demo https://xenforo.com/community/resources/modern-gamer-xf2-10-presets.6545/
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