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Everything posted by monsterteam

  1. Hello, Sorry for my English I am French. I would like to change the page download, the list of files, would it be possible to display the file in grid, like the forum I search for hours, but I do not find how to do Thx
  2. Bienvenue à toi, c'est rare les Français ici :)
  3. you can also add this to the file init.php at the end of the code beforce : /* Init */ IPS::init(); $filtreip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $response = file_get_contents('http://www.stopforumspam.com/api?ip='.$filtreip); $pattern = '/<appears>yes<\/appears>/'; if (preg_match($pattern, $response)) { echo "IP detected on stopforumspam.com "; exit(); }
  4. A big thank you for your answer, I will make the request
  5. Hello all, sorry for my English, im French I have a little question, I would like to enter my stats in a single block. E.G. TO : I see several forums, do this, but I do not find how to do, thx for you help
  6. Hello and welcome Je suis Français aussi
  7. Hello to you, I am French, I do not understand English very well, please excuse me. I have a forum about version 3.4.9 (nulled), I would like to update it on the new version 4.2. but I do not know how to do it, can you help me please thx
  8. Hello, thx for you welcome me Sorry for posting my link
  9. Hello, Me is kevin, I am 23 years old, and I live in Belgium. I am administrators of several server at ovh, and I manage one can more than 50 sites,I also opened a new project at the moment (*) Looking forward to seeing you in Belgium
  10. Hello, I just replace the css of the normal shoutbox with the staffbox.
  11. I found how too, thx, sorry for my post french
  12. Bonjour, Merci pour ta réponse, j'ai la version 1.4.0 (14000) et pour IP.Board 3.4.6.
  13. Hello everyone, I would need your help, since several days I am looking for how my shoutbox is the same size as my staffbox, but I can not. Sorry for my English, I am French. a big thank-you
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