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Everything posted by RegressoR

  1. 451 downloads

    Chatbox+ is an application that uses Ajax calls to the server to get new messages. Supports room chat, club chat and the private one-2-one chat. The chat boxes can display in widget, new page, or floating on the bottom right to allow member easy to chat with each other. Demo 1: Clean Text input: https://demo.ipsviet.com/chatbox/room/2-demo-1/ Demo 2: Full Editor: https://demo.ipsviet.com/chatbox/room/3-demo-2/ Demo 3: Chat bot sends message every 10 seconds: https://demo.ipsviet.com/chatbox/room/7-demo-3/ Global popup on bottom right: https://demo.ipsviet.com/forums/ Features: *NEW* Private one-2-one chat:
    RUS lang pack RUS - landingpage.xml
    The most beautiful style ?
    For 4.3.5 there is an application?
  2. 77 downloads

    Now you can press Alt+B or this big preview button near "Submit Reply" to see preview of your post!
  3. Version 1.0.2


    This hook will add a 3D flash based tag cloud to your board index. It's based on the well-known culmulus tag cloud for wordpress Compatibility: IP.Board 3.4.x - Yes IP.Board 3.3.x - Yes IP.Board 3.2.x - Yes IP.Board 3.1.x - No Enkidu 3D Tags Cloud 1.0.2 - Хук заменяет в правой колонке блок с тегами на ОБЛАКО с тегами. Не использует дополнительных запросов, все делается системой IPB 3.3.x-3.4.x.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Style IPSInfo Green for IPS 4.1.x Author: IPSInfo - RedDevil Thank you all for evaluating the style.
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