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  1. hi to all in wbflks i back to the internet, puff i have 3 years off and now want to back whit my site but i dont know whats is the new good sistem for forum ipb, smf, vb o xen?? can help me?
  2. for me netflix is best option, but the cinema have all news movies, mmm cinema option win
  3. Version 1.3


    Bueno como dice el titulo, gracias al trabajo del compañero tote e trabajado, un poco en la traducion, tratando de que las partes importantes y visuales principales queden completamente en español, creo que seria bueno colaborar juntos en este proyecto gratuito para poder finalizar un idioma español latino para esta plataforma sin mas aqui se las comparto Demo: http://www.incelugi.info Si gustas Donar algo al proyecto puede hacerlo desde un simple gracias a ayudando en paypal: [email protected]
    and the credits for tuinfoproject??
  4. Version 4.0.2


    This mod allow your members to hide part of the content in their posts so other members will need to reply to the topic before being able to see the hidden content. Thanks to a powerful custom BBCODE plugin the number of file edits needed is reduced and the plugin has an internal cache to save all the topics checked each session which will reduce the number of queries used. Thanks to that only one additional query is used when viewing a topic and sometimes no queries at all!Features: No file edits (makes use of the hooks system) 2 options to specify who can bypass the reply check: groups & member IDs All IP.Board default areas are covered Topics (Print & Download included) Profiles (both Topics & Posts tabs) Search (hide bbcode content is stripped from results) Quoting replies for both ajax & non-ajax quoting (hidden content is stripped) Topic Summary (below the editor while replying) Email Notifications (both Forum & Topic subscriptions) Custom BBCODE button in the editor to quickly insert the hide tag Full support of the new IPB 3 feature "BBCODE aliases" so you can specify other tags as well as the default [hide] (This is especially useful for those people that have used the Unreal Hide Hack mod on IPB 2.x and so have the tag [hide_me]) Easy integration with 3rd party mods that displays IPB topics & replies IP.Board Mobile skin is covered as well What's New in Version 4.0.2 -Fixed a fatal error when hidden content is added to a Questions type forum -Fixed activity stream in 4.1 showing hidden content after editing a post
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