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    I don't know if it's a bug or there's a problem in write permissions, but evertime I access this setting in the ACP it resets and deactivates in my forums... Any guess? thx for the support.
  1. I'm trying phpBB these days, with some goodies installed. While it's not a bad software, I think IPS has a better ACP and still wins over other alternatives. Some people complain about the php template system and that the the syntax used in IPS is a mess, only to defend NodeJS...
  2. Hi. I've been reinstalling everything from scratch on my VPS. I finally configured Nginx successfully this time and it works, so most of my problems are gone. My stack is: Nginx 1.10 php 7.2-fpm / sql MySql 5.7 (I think IPB has some issues with v.8.0) Http Varnish cache MemCache Still have some little errors when searching Topics/Profiles from some users, but it's probably because of legacy customizations done years ago by the last Admin, as it only seem to affect to users registered before 2016... Chmod permissions have been reverted to 644~755 default values, and I also added UFW Firewall for a bit more security. Thanks for your help, guys. I know I've been so annoying, but I like to be responsible with my community.
  3. I am concerned about the 777 permission risks, but I have to cover any possibility as my Apache2, mysql and the server daemons seems to be configured correctly. I started with and out-of-box automated installation from my vps, with a Debian+php5+mysql5 and I already had most of these issues I've been explaining to you, guys.
  4. Yeah, I've tried that too a while ago, while I was doing some tests to see which upgrades I were able to push... BTW I get an error when I try to install anything (applications, templates, plugins,whatever). Check this, please:
    Upgraded with some issues...(please check my thread about upgrading) I can't currently install anything (plugins, apps, templates, none). Everytime I submit the file, this appears: The rewrite module is already loaded, and I set correctly the UPLOAD_TMP_DIR and OPEN_BASEDIR in the php.ini configuration. I also ensured there is a AllowOverride All in my site config and the apache common config. No system logs or error logs show anything related. The whole site root folder has chmod 777, btw... I'm out of ideas, so please, help.
  5. Well, upgrade has been more or less successful, at last. I'm with v.4.3.5 and most errors were avoided by disabling Downloads module, replacing nginx with Apache2, and hacking around \system\File\File.php. It works, yes, but it's not perfect. Can't install plugins or applications yet (unknown error 6), and some users can't query user content, like query for a Topics list.
  6. The problem is I don't know where exactly I must look into... Sorry. I'm currently doing the migration (this time for real), so ... Fingers crossed! ?
  7. I've got success installing PHP v7.2 for more migration tests. Same process, I'll be trying to upgrade until the first error comes out. v.4.2.4 installs fine. Then, when I try to upgrade to the v.4.2.5 , this appears: http://prntscr.com/k8rah0 Take a look, this is the same error located in the System\File\File.php I was talking about some posts ago. The only difference is that with php7.2 I managed to get a beautiful html page instead of a plain simple error 500. At this point I can confirm the PHP version it's not the main cause of my problem. I'm gonna keep upgrading from this point. Maybe will be able to get pass the v.4.3.0 of IPB, which is the current dead end right now... BTW, thx for trying to help me, guys.
  8. Then, why does the installer says that my server settings are ok, and proceeds to install other previous versions? Nonsense, really. I've been able to keep upgrading until v4.2.8, and everything is working fine. What I did is to replace the whole block within \System\File\File.php in Line90, the section where it tries to TestSettings with the found storage settings... Time to test the v.4.3 upgrades in order to confirm that my hack works...
  9. Hi, I located the error coming from the File/File.php: [Thu Jul 19 00:30:03.662167 2018] [:error] [pid 5780] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method IPS\\File\\Database::testSettings() in /var/www/mirrorspain/system/File/File.php on line 90, referer: http://blahblahblah.com/admin/upgrade/?sessionCheck=1 [Update] I'm still testing for failures, but everything looked fine while upgrading to v.4.2.5 ?
  10. I've located a file difference between v.4.2.4 and 4.2.5., in the /admin/upgrade directory. I need to confirm this also happens in the following updates through 4.2.5+, but if I can also find none of this thing in the previous upgrades (<= 4.2.4), this could lead me to the error I'm looking for.. http://prntscr.com/k845ig
    First of all, thx @Davlin. I've got a problem when I try to upgrade my forums from version v. It looks like I'm stuck at v.4.2.4, but dunno why:
  11. gotcha! I've tried to upgrade one by one version at a time. Until v.4.2.4 everything works fine. BUT when I try to upgrade from 4.2.4 -> 4.2.5 , that's when the admin/upgrade page shows me a 500 error. That tells me there's something within IPS v.4.2.5 that changes completely from all the previous versions. I'm gonna try to skip this upgrade and jump to v.4.2.6, to hopefully keep migrating, but I'm suspicious about this last one. I may find myself stuck in 4.2.4 after all... ? [Update] No luck, any other upgrade from 4.2.4 gives the same error 500. It could be a change in the Key passed, or something worse like a table removal. As I'm still able to enter both the website and the Admin panel, I'm getting this error now: http://prntscr.com/k4yo8i
  12. Of course, I want to keep all my data. It's a tech support board... Tell me a bit more about the "converter" thing, pls. I don't know what you're talking about. ?
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