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Everything posted by Asilian00

  1. Netflix and my Lucifer!!! :)
  2. Exactly. Also IPS has a lot of addons.
  3. Yes, but before create copy your database for safety.
  4. I recommend OVH or dhosting.com which I've been using since 2 years
  5. https://invisioncommunity.com/news/product-updates/43-sign-in-from-other-sites-using-oauth-r1058/ Have you tried this soluston? Any php error?
  6. Yes, This problem is with your SSL! Check your link without https - http://www.computingfreaks.com/index.php/topic/60-hip-hop-music/ :). It's working! :)
  7. Here you go to the latest of IP.Board version :).
  8. Hello mate, I suppose that this problem is not interrelated your themes (I checked your mobile theme). First of all check the settings BBCode, exactly marker embed. Proposes to create a new forums on your localhost and export bbcode, only this embed tag and import it into your forum by removing the old marker.
  9. Hi, you can add to download this file https://invisionpower.com/files/file/7642-pre-defined-topic-fields/,please?

    1. Asilian00



      It's request, but never wrote back in this topic :(

    2. Asilian00
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