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kisswdev last won the day on June 19 2021

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  1. see you in next life webflake ❤️ thanks for all ❤️ take care of you , stay safe all  staff team 

  2. I preffer netflix with my friends ! <3
  3. GameCP or OpenGame Panel which one for good for host games !
  4. xenforo for gaming forums !
  5. kisswdev

    IPB4 or IPB3

  6. kisswdev

    Best skin?

    https://www.ipsfocus.com/themes/deflection/ i recommended
    Bug at change background not work i upload 3 photo and i press click to change ! NOT CHANGE ! HELP ME HOW DO ! I NOT FOUND IN resources !
  7. Version playzeek v0.1


    Best Gaming theme - IPB 4 WORKS ONLY WITH IPS 4.2 What's New in Version 1.0.1 (See full changelog) Update app and big CSS fixes: Downloads, (GS) Server List Blogs Gallery Calendar Cs-Jump.pl [ RIP ] edited for www.playzeek.net (for demo ) All (c) unreserved by kIsSwdev Press +1 do you want more this theme !
  8. Version 1.1.1 kIsSwdev


    Demo 2 > https://codecanyon.net/item/hellovideo-video-cms/11149598
  9. Version 3.6


    PhpFox is an easy to use software program that gives you the ability to customize it to suit your needs. It comes packed with advanced social networking features found on top community websites! Features : (1)Theme Manager System (2)No coding needed, all changes are easily preview (3)Extend with Apps, 3rd party applications available (4)Advanced Customizing, Worrying about your Specific needs? Requirements : (1)5.5 or higher PHP Version (2)4.1 or higher Mysql Version (3)Required PHP EXEC function (4)Required PHP GD (5)Required PHP CURL (6)Required PHP ZipArchive (7)Required PHP Multibyte String (8)Required PHP XML extension (9)64M or higher PHP memory_limit (10)Required for Short URLs Apache mod_rewrite (optional) Demo : Social Networking Community How want this theme PM ME demo : http://facetoface.hdfilmenoi.com
  10. Version v5 Edge


    PHPVibe v5.0 – Video Sharing CMS Script Nulled PHPVibe v5 is latest released of 2016. Professional video cms script is a video sharing script & youtube clone. PHPVibe v5 needs to adapt on mobiles, and not only! It needs to adapt usefully and impressively! As before some elements where just resized to fit, not they are delicately transforming with css and jquery. Placing where they should be, just like Youtube’s mobile . app. Video CMS Script offers a wide variety of features and amazing tools that will make your site look professional while reducing the time you need to spend to maintain. Video CMS Script You can create your ownOnline Video Sharing and Streaming Website. Version: v5.0 Last Update: 01/04/2016 Brought by: kIsSwdev Released on: September 8, 2016 Category: PHP SCRIPTS Compatible with: PHP 5.x, MySQL v5.x DEMO : https://www.phpvibe.com/
  11. Version 1.0.0


    ********************************* * V1.2.3 - July 11, 2017 *********************************- ADD: Acf Multiple Subtitles for Drive Player - ADD: DBMOVIES Movies & TV Shows generator (Importer Tool) - ADD: Request Movies Page - ADD: Live Search - ADD: Movies By Letter A - Z LIST - FIX: Generate categories on WordPress 4.8Movies By Letter A - Z LIST Acf Multiple Subtitles for Drive Player https://gomoviestheme.ga/downloads/psyplay/To add autoembed season_episodes.php put to - PsyPlay/includes/series/loop http://linkmy.ga/bBX6player.php put to - PsyPlay/includes/single
  12. Version 4.1


    Deflection for IP.Suite 4.1.x [ Nulled ] Full work // Tested by me on IPS software // version 4.1.19 Deflection is a clean, dark IPS theme with a soothing colour scheme. The header can be configured with background images if preferred, which can be controlled even further with the background picker enabled. This theme is built on a modern framework with minimal HTML modifications, which means it'll upgrade easily (and usually automatically) between IPS versions. This theme is compatible with the latest version of IPS Community Suite 4.x, including all official IPS addons. Please upgrade to the latest version of IPS.Suite before installing this theme. After purchasing this theme, you will be able to download it immediately from your Client Area. Initial price of the theme is $30.00 which includes 6 months of free support & updates. A renewal fee of $10.00 every 6 months maintains access to support & updates. For more information, check the FAQ's and Terms & Conditions.
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