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  1. So I've been working on a new forum and am having an issue with userlinks having zero space between the FontAwesome icons and the username. In the group legend, it displays correctly, however all usernames are incorrect. Yes I've added a space to the group name, before "Founder". https://gyazo.com/22907b87de95354629a6aa5f30b907e0 <i class='fas fa-crown' style='color: #f54538;' aria-hidden='true'></i><span style='color: #f54538;font-weight: bold;'> https://gyazo.com/1e908fdcff5dee18d8369ba87f86e79e Is there any solution for this?
  2. Awesome service and fast response time! Will be doing business with Kaneko again!
  3. Windows for me. Always used it for pretty much all purposes. I've used Debian and CentOS in the past, but always go back to Windows for my servers.
  4. PC personally for me. It took forever for me to upgrade to windows 10 and even now I still rarely use the Microsoft store.
  5. Venocide


    I mean honestly it's been forever since we got a Modern Warfare game. From the looks of the it the campaign will be awesome.
  6. Depends on what genre you are wanting. For Mobas: League of Legends Shooting/FPS: Apex Legends, PUBG, Rust
  7. I run a gaming community, sadly it seems like Discord is starting to replace all purpose for forums nowadays.
  8. Can't go wrong with visiting Italy personally.
  9. Venocide

    Pc vs Ps4

    100% PC for any competitive games. PS4 though does have games with a better story though.
  10. Plugins used on IPB 4.3.6: Points Economy 1.10 Automation Rules FULL - 1.4.4 So I am working on a system that will grant points for daily logins, posting, and general activity, and once I hit a threshold it will convert into my number of points to convert to reputation. My goal will be to eventually hook this into an RSVP system and iAwards. I have successfully setup the system to do everything I need EXCEPT for updating the value of the built in Reputation system. I've messed with some custom actions and such, but to no avail. If you need screenshots of what I have, then I can provide.
  11. A lot of the games coming out this year are console games. Most of the pc games being released are going to either be ports or big AAA games that are so heavily saturated that it loses its value and quality. Example: Black Ops 4. Personally I'll be playing Diablo 3's new season starting tomorrow evening until the 29th when Kingdom Hearts 3 releases.
  12. I've been using IPB since 3.1. As others have mentioned once you start to install a lot of extensions it gets notably slower than XenForo, but to each their own I guess.
  13. Would personally recommend IPS. Used that platform for years now.
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