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Thomas last won the day on April 2 2014

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  1. U from rile5??

    1. Debug


      This is funny af, Thomas can't even find peace on WebFlake.

    2. Thomas
  2. ​Haha, wow I feel ridiculous that I skipped over that. Thanks for the help, mate, appreciate it a lot!
  3. My bad. We're upgrading to IPS4, so... yeah, IPS4!
  4. Hi! I've been trying to figure this one out and looking it up on Google, but I still cannot find the answer. My own community has a bit of a problem with reputation abuse, yet many would like to see negative reputation return. I'm not sure if this is WebFlake's secret recipe or if it is public information - my question is basic, how can I make it so that members of my community (but moderators and administrators can) can't see who gave them reputation? Thank you.
  5. ​ ​Wow, thanks both of you! I like this manager a lot more.
  6. Hi - basic question, but I cannot figure it out for the life of me. How do I make it so that the blocks on the side are visible? Thus far, only the various categories and forums are visible on my test website, and not the sidebar blocks. Thank you.
  7. HOLY DIFFERENT! This is going to take a lot of time getting used to. However, I like it. Good job!
  8. Thank you! Is there anywhere we can keep up with releases on hooks/apps, i.e. awards?
  9. Thank you. I'm not the owner of this forum I was referring to, therefore I am currently unaware of these things.
  10. Has IPB4 released a "final version" yet, or is it still in RC-phase? My forum will be upgrading when it is out of the RC phase.
  11. Congrats Kingy! It's great to see you with that fancy dark green name.
  12. Did I give off the vibe that I wasn't being patient? My apologies. I'll keep checking it out!
  13. Is there somewhere we can see progress on popular hooks/apps, i.e. HQ Awards? I am hoping to upgrade my forum soon but I do not want to lose these hooks as well as themes.
  14. D'aww, all that trouble for me Works like a charm, thank you very much! I appreciate this a lot. Great help to me.
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