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Everything posted by samlmao1

  1. 3.4 Post Topic Library As I'm pretty sure all the 3.4 documentation is gone off of IPB's website - I'm hoping someone here is familiar with it. How am I able to use the post topic library so that I can post a topic within a script?
  2. I understand that 3.4.x and 4.x use completely different files / assuming different code structures for this kind of thing? For example in 3.4 I use: Stuff I picked up off of IPB's forums, I assume this bit is to create the IPB environment or such Fetch the member's details $member = $registry->member()->fetchMemberData(); Check if the member is logged in etc if ( $member['member_id'] ) { echo "You're logged in."; } else { echo "You're not logged in."; } How would I do it on IPS4?
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