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Everything posted by week1

  1. Nvm, re-uploaded and worked thanks for the reply tho
  2. Hi I tried installing a fresh version of IPB And after I search my site to set it up and this error pops up with white pageFatal error: Class 'IPS\core\Advertisement' not found in /home/u926973913/public_html/system/Output/Output.php on line736 i'v installed this before I'm not new I didn't edit anything
  3. Here is a tutorial Upgrade IPB tutorial
  4. Need to take a pig giant dump

    Please fix the downlod, I Downloded 4 times and it keeps saying error when extracting
    Do not Downlod! It doesn't work after u upload it says this The file uploaded is invalid, and I know how to upload I didn't make a mistake
    How I love this Theme please Update it
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Tracker is a bug/issue tracking system, it allows members and staff to track certain issues, for examples, bugs within a project you are working on, or even building a house! Tracker supports statuses, severities, and much much more to bring you an extensible Tracker to use however you wish to.
    Thanks! Even if it doesn't actually work like the real thing... the Hackers will think it actually works ?? and will leave the site alone no DDos = yay
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