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  1. Okay but I dont want a resize more a Second Logo picture wich is charging by scrolling, if this could be possible
  2. Hey, perhaps someone could help me with a litte script, I want that my logo changes when I'm scroll down I had found this here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/jEGNbN But I don't know to put there a logo picture. Important is that I can set a own position for the second logo when the side is scrolled down. Or it would be nice if there are a jquery to shrink the logo to the left side. greetings, Dan
  3. So I solved this... delted all folders from videos and restart queue task, after reinstall the video platform workes and the task was'nt running.
  4. I found a bug in the Video Application from Devfuse, If I want to clean up a category over the acp the task don't run correctly.. I get this Error: 1S111/1 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '=? ORDER BY tid LIMIT 0,100' at line 1 So how I can delete the Task.. New install from the plugin don't solve the problem 'cause I can't delete the category...
  5. I have solved the problem by the web.config file and update the donations by the acp.
  6. I tried it, also all is in $ :/ I don't know if I have something worng in my php.ini or iis or my acp On locale now I have German_Germany.1252 this and under payment EUR But without result...
  7. Hey, is there a way to set up the permissions which group can see user profiles? Or better, that only member can see user profiles?
  8. I have found a solution by ipbfocus, there was more to Change for the result, but thanks :)
  9. It was only a try to find the error, why ipb don't change to € ...I don't know if there's the error.... All other is working...only probs wiith the currency and the process bar perhaps the prob is on other place.
  10. I have create a test.php https://www.dhiud.de/test.php I don't know where the error is test.php: <?php if (setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE.utf8') == false) { print "<h1>Fehler beim einstellen der Sprache!</h1>"; } print "Aktuelle Sprache ist: ".setlocale(LC_ALL, 0); ?>
  11. I insert this before </head> at the globaleTemplate <META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8"> but theres also no result. It show all äüö , but only $ and dont change this to €.... the processbar also...I find this really strange... It must be a server problem I think
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