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  1. Hey not sure my message on your wall sent, fixed the issue you had with accessibility, and replied on message, thanks for your help as always, fantastic help.

  2. Hey cookie, dropped you a message, appreciate your help!

  3. Having an issue with my mobile app, dropped you a line as you may know how to fix it, if you can spare a few mins i'd appreciate it :)

    1. Cookie Monster
    2. Knowlesy


      Helpful as always cookie, Appreciate it.

  4. Hey, Dropped you an inbox message! hope you can help! 


  5. Pmed the website but will post on here, it is a temp URL at the moment. www.black-legion.co.uk/Lee As I explained would like to find out how to make the Navigation bar width smaller, I did not have a custom.css to add that code to, so I created one in Look&Feel>I.p Board>Css> then Created custom.css, no joy unfortunately, am I doing something wrong? EDIT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gave Cookie temporary access to an admin account to look at the CSS, Logged on and fixed everything, Absolutely cannot thank enough for the help and I will vouch for anybody, Fantastic contributer to the forum.
  6. Hi all, Apologies if this is in the wrong place, But I am looking for someone to help me with the code on my ipb 3.4 forum, What I am essentially looking to do, is make the logo bar, and navbar only as wide as where the yellow line is on the image here http://imgur.com/jkYb2zQ I would also like to move the search bar down to the space below it on the red navbar. I would then finally like to remove the black sign in bar, and have the sign in buttons where the search bar currently is in the picture. I'm a bit new to coding and IPB so please bare with me, Appreciate the help if this is possible! Regards, Lee
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