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About z3rocool

  • Birthday 12/09/1989

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  1. Hello guys, i got a problem. I am newbie in php but i want to make this code to read from IPB database. I tryed to mod the strings and what i know from there but without any resolve. On MyBB it's working perfect. But on IPB does not do anything... i don't get any errors nothing... Can somebody be kinda to help me with this? Thank you ! PHP FILE Database Table Contain
  2. iOS. Im useing ios for about 6-7 years. For me it`s great, i would recomand you too.
  3. Ready for a new start ! :D

    1. AlexHannard


      what you goin to do z3rocool

    2. z3rocool


      I just lunch my new website

  4. easy, give me a pm with your website and reset everything i will show you a easy way
  5. I need to look just like this one: Script need to do this: - Search a car from database [mysql] - Searching condition [Ex: If is mark is Alfa show only models from Alfa. If is mark Alfa and model 345i then show year from 1990 to 2013, if mark alfa, model 345i and year 1995 show the car parts from that condition ]: [*]Mark [*]Model [*]Year [*]Car Parts Any more information send me pm or write right here ! Thank you very much !
  6. I resolve... i tryed your method too but didn`t work. I delete from database restriction for that member. I empty ipbadmin_permission_rows from database ! Thank you anyway ! Topic can be close !
  7. I got a problem, i set every privileges everything work ok. But when i try to set an administrat for 1 member for example "rage" it is working, but when i try to give to this member ex: "joinnt" is give him almost all access. He don`t have access to full administration panel but rage have. How is this posible? I hope you understand what i want to say.
  8. Today to tired... to make something...

  9. yep :> i will resize when i will put like logo on website :> Now you can make me that banners, i told you in PM and thats will be all :X
  10. [*]Color Scheme : Colors code are [#028AFF and #D30D0D] [*]Font type (DaFont.com) : Something nice, are to many for me to choose... i like to many [*]Images : http://lol-rage.ro/w...logo-300x90.png [*]Community type (gaming/design/fansite) [*]Logo size : minimum 300x90 ; maximum 720x90 [*]Text desired : LoL-Rage Romania [*]Example logo : http://lol-rage.ro/w...logo-300x90.png [*]Slogan (if applicable) : i don`t know for moment a slogan [*]Animation (if applicable) : NO PS: It is a website for league of legends news. I need transparend background ! Thank you very much ! :> THIS IS A REQUEST FOR A REMAKE FROM STAR, LUV THIS MAN :>
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