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  1. Version 3.19.11


  2. chef1974


    Version v6.6


    plugin editor for wordpress, wpbakery v6 with fixes.
  3. Version 3.1.5


    Create the Site You Need Whether you need pages with advanced resources, striking galleries, a professional blog, services boxes or an online store, it’s all included. Best of all, everything is mobile-ready right from the start. The next level of Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme is here. Easy to Use Drag&Drop any blocks you like, then upload media and text and publish your new WordPress site. It’s really easy flow! Most Popular CMS The Beyond Theme was created with love for the most used CMS system, WordPress, which is very easy to use and powerful. Huge flexibility, fully customizable Beyond WordPress theme are built on the Visual Framework, a rock-solid codebase perfected through hundreds of hours of development, testing and iteration.
  4. Version 6.1.2


    If you know revslider you know how it works, for all who need assistance, head on over to Themepunch and read up on the new settings. all module setup will need activation on genuine product key UPDATED: Sept 2019
  5. add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_availability_text', 'wiseowl_custom_get_availability_text', 99, 2 ); function wiseowl_custom_get_availability_text( $availability, $product ) { $stock = $product->get_stock_quantity(); if ( $product->is_in_stock() && $product->managing_stock() ) $availability = __( 'Quantity: ' . $stock, 'woocommerce' ); return $availability; } this is for fucntions.php or simply remove sock control in metadata in product input page.
  6. Welcome Vladamir, Webflake is a great forum and i hope you enjoy your stay
  7. Version 5.4


  8. If alright with your , could you send me your url over so i can take a look at your site also please state where you'll like the video, would it be for the frontpage system Kind Regards Chef is it this one https://themeforest.net/item/striz-fashion-ecommerce-wordpress-theme/23127573 if so you are using elemator for your backbone editor which is great as i have a simple solution for you, that would be either layer or revslider to place video were ever you like, i have both which i have purchased copies not nulled copies, if you would like either , please let me know or i can take a look and implemiment the change for you , with elemator as its a bock style system , its easy to implement. reply of pm if you require assistance with this Chef
  9. If you need a custom elementation of this , either download rare , which i've just uploaded, or it using a generic theme , tell me which one and i'll write a script to place into the files and get custom video running also what is name of the theme you are using and does it use a backbone system like redux? to be clear this is for wordpress right?
  10. Version 3.2.5


    One of the Ultimate Multiple Themes out there created by visualmodo take a look at the demo here and find out more here about the theme itself usual price is $59.00 but free here to test. comes with multiple screens , for carousel, video and more 400 icons and running on visualmodo elements with backbone of redux Enjoy the theme, if you download, share a thanks
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Cloud Based App for android (only) All notes and .apk file included, Download Android Emulator to edit .apk file, only for x64 windows , does not support x86 windows. Link : https://www.makiplace.com/item/evochat-cloud-based-instant-messaging-mp38842/ https://www.makiplace.com/item/evochat-cloud-based-instant-messaging-mp38842/ Great little app from MAKIPLACE
  12. hello Ladies, its a pleasure being here to share in the community
  13. These Notes are for developers who product BS4 Woocommerce Themes Upon building a wocommerce based site build on Bootstrap 4.1.3 or above I noticed there was a conflict of bootstrap 4 based classes : col-1 and col-2 and woocmmerce based classes : col-1 and col-2 set which affects the cart , so upon looking into this issue there is a simple fix which can be applied on your theme or the child theme in the /style.css place the following code to rectify this error (Based on one of my development sites for bs4 woocommerce theme) /*fix wo conflict of columns */ .woocommerce .col-1, .woocommerce .col-2{ max-width:none;} .woocommerce-billing-fields .form-row, .woocommerce-shipping-fields .form-row,.woocommerce form .form-row { display: block; } .woocommerce .col2-set .col-1, .woocommerce-page .col2-set .col-1,.woocommerce .col2-set .col-2, .woocommerce-page .col2-set .col-2 { max-width: unset; } this rectified the column issues and opens the width so your site does not display ugly.
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