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  1. Perfect, I couldn't find that topic when I searched for help. Issue has been solved. Topic can be closed by a moderator.
  2. I use the warrior skin, the problem is is that the main text editor/reply tool (for things like posting threads, editing threads, and sending PM's) is missing. Just an empty space appears where it should be, it works fine in my ACP and in the default IPB skin. Whats wrong and how can I fix it?
  3. I'm looking for at least one good to professional graphic artist for two affiliated gaming communities (one has 10,000 members, the other has 650), both have 5-50 members online on at any given time. It will be a voluntary position, as all forum staff positions on our communities are. We just need a few things created once-in-a-while. Mainly logo's/icons and occasionally a banner. Not a whole lot needed. Reply bellow if you are interested, gamers are preferred.
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