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Everything posted by alexxis

  1. alexxis

    ipbArcade ?

    "4.3.0" is the version of the ibProArcade. And that version fits to IP.Board 3.4.x only! Not even to IPS 4.*.*
  2. Use forum search first
  3. Lets check these plugins first: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9059-post-new-topic-redirection/ https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9060-topic-redirection-convert-topics-to-links/ https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9649-custom-redirects/
  4. Just disable the ability of the moderators to view the IP-addresses: If you want to hide IPs ONLY at the top right of every post, you need to customize your theme in the appropriate templates.
  5. As an Event you can use "Member is flagged as Spammer", as an Action: "Change the primary group of a member" and select your banned group there. As a result : when clicking on the SPAMMER button, the member will be automatically moved to the banned group.
  6. A new modification has been arrived today regarding the strikethrough the Username of the banned users: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9366-slash-through-banned-usernames/ @Dumba
  7. @mr-pimpen, Thank you for this tutorial, it's very helpful! By the way, do you know the way, how to limit the email content the users see in their emails? I just don't want my users to see the whole content of the Personal message in their emails. I want them to login to my board to read the message instead.
  8. It is possible to do with Rules. To find the right Events and conditions is easy to do. Some challenge will get you to find the correct action - I think you will need to use "Custom php action" for your needs, where you will need to add your points to the member's reputation level.
  9. As for the strikethrough the Username of the banned users, you can find this feature in the addon "Member and Staff tools". @Dumba
  10. Not quite understand, what is your problem now? If you wanna try to assign to your members some points for a reputation given, it will be pretty hard to realize, since the Event "A member gets a reputation point" in the Automation Rules is not triggering anymore since IPS 4.2.*
  11. Since I believe it is possible to realize with Rules, I tried to to this, but I found, that I can't do this at the time :( But as a help, I can suggest you to take a look at these two topics: https://ipsguru.net/forums/topic/116-rule-on-report-status-change https://ipsguru.net/forums/topic/924-rule-triggering-on-report-status-change Reading those topics, you can try to create your report rules by yourself, or maybe change something to fit your needs.
  12. You would need to use another application by Kevin Carwile: "Automation Rules" (Light or Full), together with "Points Economy".
  13. Vivaldi: for those, who remember Opera 12.* ;-)
  14. @Valerie, what about to add a picture, so we can see, how it would look like?
  15. The Permission for viewing users profiles needs to be set up here: Just click on the Lock, and unselect the usergroups you don't want to see other's profiles.
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