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SAxCoco last won the day on April 1 2013

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About SAxCoco

  • Birthday 09/18/1995

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  1. Yup, I know I am a guy and all but I hate porn it's just ugh.. And you might have 12 year olds are your site xD.
  2. Killing Floor.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SAxCoco


      Purple got it right, I love me some zombies!

    3. Purple


      my boyfriend plays that game.. lol.

    4. SAxCoco


      He has a good taste in games then.

  3. I wouldn't use them, I use them once and all they show is pornographic ads.
  4. Making people mad on FB = the best thing ever.

  5. I can make your bed rock.

  6. I never seem to have this issue since I've been using nulled scripts, maybe it is you guys seeing this problem but I have not seen it once.
  7. SAxCoco


    I love this post and he's mad at Sketch. OT: Welcome to WebFlake
  8. Yeah we have to wait and see I guess the expense is getting to me.
  9. Am I gay if I have JB's "Somebody To Love" stuck in my head?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SAxCoco


      No I don't man, but yeah I like the song. :P

    3. Purple


      Okay well.. I am leaving this comment and not returning. Bye boys

    4. SAxCoco
  10. I wouldn't of went to Woodbury if I was them I would want to survive on my own or with group and try to take out every walker.
  11. I like the 3rd one it's pretty much simple and basic with a little pizzazz.
  12. Yes , you see a lot of talented people in New York this is probably my most favorite I've seen on YT or IRL. (Of street performers.)
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