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About FaridBGT

  • Birthday 08/11/1994

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  1. Jiraiya is one of the most inspirational character in whole of Naruto! Here are few of his Quotes that struck us in our lives! #10 “Knowing what it feels to be in PAIN, Is exactly why we try to be KIND to others.” #9 “The true measure of a shinobi is not how he lives but how he dies. It’s not what they do in life but what they did before dying that proves their worth.” #8 “I believe that the day will come when people can truly understand each other.” #7 Getting dumped always makes a man stronger, but then again, men aren’t meant to pursue happiness…” #6 “One person is all everyone needs” #5 “Rejection is a part of any man’s life If you can’t accept and move past rejection or at least use it as writing material you’re not a real man.” #4 “When people get hurt, they learn to hate. When people hurt others, they become hated and raced with guilt. But knowing that pain allows people to be kind. Pain allows people to grow… and how you grow is up to you.” #3 “Whenever someone is still thinking of you, that place is your home.” #2 “The most important thing for a shinobi is the SPIRIT and the will to NEVER GIVE UP” #1 “When you feel your time has come, Then i shall rewind time, When you feel alone, I’ll be there to wipe away the fears, You can’t see me, but I am there.” Comment if we missed on any!
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