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  1. BF1 because BF5 isn't what I really expected. It's not historicly correct
  2. Actually there is. Don't just use the classical anti-spam captcha. Add the Q/A too. That prevent the bots from registering
  3. Hey Staff, Please restore anti-spam on registration, alot of bots are posting on the forum. Really annoying!
  4. Hi _DON_, After you have installed the chatbox, you must go to: Admin -> Community -> Chatbox -> Settings From there, enable the Chatbox. Then go to permissions and setup the usergroup-permissions as you like.
  5. What Phun said should solve the issue, as it is the most popular solution
  6. Okay, this is getting off topic now. This is not what my thread was about... @bandnan: Sorry, I'm glad you posted a logo for me, but it's not really the design or concept I'm looking for. But thanks again :) @alakazam: I would appreciate if you don't post anything else on this thread, as you obviously do not understand what I'm looking for, and you use the thread as a litter box. But thanks anyway.. @Chris No rush, I'm just glad that you want to help out. I really appreciate it!
  7. Hi @Chris, Thanks for the update on the logo! It starting to look really nice. I posted some color-codes in the thread. Is there any chance you can use these for the logo? For some inspiration, look at our website: I sent you the link as a message! And a question; Is it a lion on the bottom of the logo? If so, can you make a lion or bear that "jumps" out of the logo, something like this: Logo with bear, Logo with lion I'm sorry if I'm annoying or a pain in the a**
  8. Looks good. Is there any possibility to add a picture inside the shield, like a lion or bear? And maybe add some color? The image should preferably not be a "real" one, like taken with a camera. A animated fits best I think :) On the links I submitted are some "guidelines" of how I would like to have it. I don't demand that you should put several hours on a logo for me, but you are on such a good way of having it look like a really nice logo! :)
  9. Well, if I've used Cooltext, I wouldn't post here.. All those online logo generator sites are crap. Sorry, that's just fact. I'm looking for a good logo, not text
  10. Hi, If I may, I would like to make a request for a logo for my website In my mind, I have a picture of a shield on the left and the name on the right. The shield may have some details. Below I list a few ideas for the shield: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PdtNvFOXiNM/maxresdefault.jpg https://image.freepik.com/free-vector/black-shield_23-2147518596.jpg Color Scheme: #0093DC, #A3A3A3, #505050, #EE3838, #000000 Font type: Alternative 1, Alternative 2, Alternative 3 Images: Maybe a "screaming" tiger head or bear head. Improvise, I can't decide.. Community type: Gaming Logo size: Logo with shield: 720x195 | Just the shield itself: 600x600 Text desired: IGLGaming Example logo: - Tell me if something is unclear, I can be hard to understand sometime..
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