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  1. Yeah, but from what I remember doesn't that show up on the download page? rather than saying "sorry, you aren't permitted to download this file"? I also cant use the chatbox?
  2. Hi, I was downloading stuff fine yesterday and then after an hour or so I can't download anything? it tells me I don't have permissions (screenshot http://prntscr.com/oz4p0f). I don't have any warning points and I'm not inactive, the only thing I can think of is that I switch between my home broadband and my portable hotspot for my mobile data so maybe IP change or something? (P.S If you were wondering why I switch between networks, my home broadband is a more stable and consistent speed but my data has faster less consistent speed so downloading stuff is faster)
  3. I chose Playstation back in the day when you could play online for free. Now that you gotta pay for both the only reason I still chose Playstation is cause I still own one.
    Installed The Theme And It Refuses To Work Without A Licence Key.
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