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Tony last won the day on October 27 2024

Tony had the most liked content!

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  1. From everyone here at WebFlake, wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Obligatory note that support/file approvals may be a bit slow over the next few days, but rest assured we'll work through any backlogs as soon as we're all back. If you do travel, please be safe.
  2. Whether it's the warmth of friendship, the joy of shared moments, or the support we find in one another, let's cherish the ties that make our community so special. May your day be filled with laughter, love, and delicious moments with loved ones. Here's to a season of gratitude and togetherness. Wishing you all a bountiful and Happy Thanksgiving!
  3. Glad to hear it's working for you now!
  4. I haven't bothered yet. I stopped playing Warzone ages ago, largely because of the shitty meta and cheaters. So, I promptly subjected myself to the same shit by going back to PUBG. It's a cycle.
  5. Just to be sure I am understanding correctly, you're saying that when you make changes to your account settings, you are presented with the "Saved" gump and it doesn't go away when navigating to other settings? Have you tried adjusting another setting to see if that offsets it?
  6. Tony

    Question I Can't review

    Newbies are unable to leave reviews. This is just an anti-spam measure, so don't worry. You're a mere point away from ranking up and will have access to a few more permissions when you do.
  7. Dark mode is back! Updated various SVG resources to mesh properly. chatInputArea now has a border for dark mode. Added a Closed status to the Ideas page. Bugs are now sorted by Status rather than Publish Date. Added a Browse Categories link to the Downloads sub-menu. Miscellaneous CSS fixes for the Staff Applications page. View full release
  8. I definitely have an interest in a Providers directory but would likely outsource the work to someone else given the amount of time it'd take to develop that page. For reference, for other readers, this is the Providers Directory on Invision's website: Providers Directory - Invision Community
  9. Tony

    Website Theme

    As this submission was related to our Halloween theme which won't be used again until next year, I'm going to close voting. We can revisit this next year if necessary.
  10. On the contrary, I think they've made it worse while washing their hands clean of it. Most, if not all, of the third-party developers don't verify licenses on their websites. They've effectively told these developers that they're on their own now. IPS likely felt like they weren't getting as much of a cut from marketplace sales anymore, so that's why they dropped it. I don't think it has anything to do with overhead on their site. That was such a ridiculous claim for them to make. They've spent so much time being worried about pirating that they don't even realize they're driving themselves over a cliff with current development. They're neutering the commerce aspects of their platform, such as removing the integrated support system, and really made a mess of their UI with IPS5; looks like an amalgamation of Discourse and other various platforms. It's really an eyesore.
  11. Wishing you all the spookiest of nights and plenty of frights. May it be filled with sugar and sweets, less of the tricks and more of the treats. A couple of quick notes: Our Halloween badges are awarded manually due to system restrictions. I've processed a batch of them now. If you believe you should have received a badge, please leave a comment below. This Halloween theme will be going away tomorrow. Enjoy it while it lasts! Be safe and have a wonderful night!
  12. Fixed a language string issue with the Ideas page. Updated permissions for Invision Beta. Added a new forum icon for this section. Condensed and reordered the ThemeForest and CodeCanyon categories. More adjustments to these categories to follow. Added an Avatar Hub. We plan to add many more choices in the future. We are open to submissions via the Ideas page. Reenabled our disposable/throwaway email filter. View full release
  13. Tony

    Website Theme

    No, I haven't noticed, as you're the only one to have an issue with it. It's Halloween-themed. What needs to be improved, specifically? Profile Songs are likely going away as they're unnecessary and bloaty.
  14. Certainly something that can be considered. I'm not a fan of the Profile Songs app myself, especially since you can't set a default volume level.
  15. There are a few reasons why but let's start with some basic troubleshooting steps. Log into your ACP, then go to System → Get Support and tell me if you see any errors displayed there, particularly related to file/folder permissions. If you do not, let's move on to checking folder permissions. You'll need to log into your cPanel or preferred FTP client and visit your root folder. Find the Uploads folder and ensure the permissions are set to 0755. If not, change the folder permissions and ensure that you choose the recursive option when prompted. If neither of these resolve your issue, we'll have to check your hosting configuration next.
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