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Carly F.

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About Carly F.

  • Birthday 01/09/1991

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  1. I hit the edit tabs button on the right end of the blue bar, drug the support and stats and logs tabs into the other apps drawer and applied the setting still no avail on the ridiculous length of the other apps menu. is there a way to possibly to modify the behavior of those menus to require a click on them to open and a click again to close thus giving me time to click the scroll button on the browser?
  2. Hello: I have IPB .3.4.7 and I have installed a lot of apps that inevitably wind up in the "other apps" tab in the ACP, due to the hugs list of apps when i point at "other apps" on the top bar in the ACP they go off the bottom of the screen and using my laptop's built-in touch pad I cannot keep the mouse in the drop down menu and move to scroll bar on my browser to see the rest of them without the menu closing, using my keyboard arrow keys does not seam to work either. Is there a file i can modify or an external mod I can install to make the huge list of apps more manageable and a little more user friendly? The only possible solution i have found it to get the external mouse off of my desktop at home and carry it in my laptop bag, full screen mode in my browser does not fully remedy the problem but does help if even slightly. this screen shot illustrates my problem. This was taken on my local test lab
  3. Those are all excellent suggestions. I will take this to my team for review and possible implementation. You know what they say, multiple minds of an issue will sonner or later come to an agreement.
  4. Hello: I am creating a website for free of cost technical support on just about anything I can think of with regards to computers, web hosting, and the web in general. This is to be a community driven site based around the structure of my volunteer job in a call center. We are currently using IPB 3.4x and I've been making member groups like crazy as follows: MembersEnterprise Security TeamAccessibility SupportWeb Hosting TeamWeb TeamAdobe Support TeamTelecommunications TeamManagement Teamalong with the banned, guests, validating, moderators, and administrators groups; what other groups should I create and what permissions should i give them? We are using IPB, IP.Downloads, IP.Blog, IP.Content. Do I really need to create a group for each department or organizational unit within the volunteer organization if a lot of them are just having different colors on their group title but otherwise are just clones of the members group? I might permit certain groups greater freedom with regards to blogs or stored PMs i future as such I thought I should plan for those types of expansions. Thanks for any assistance in this matter.
  5. Hello there fellow web flakers. I'm here mostly to better my websites by expanding my skills and my range of plugins and things for invision power board which is my platform of choice. I enjoy helping people with computers and technology, listening to all kinds of music, and slamming all kinds of weird food creations down. By weird I mean things like a 6-patty whopper from my local BK. I might have several disabilities, but I let my kind heart and willingness to learn make up for what I cannot do physically. My favorite TV shows are: iCarly, Victorious, Winx Club, etc. The reason I use the iCarly Graphic as my user symbol is because of 2 reasons: 1) enhanced privacy, only my colleagues and family know what i actually look like. and 2) as a declaration of of fandom. I look forward to being part of the web flake community.
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