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Everything posted by zuby24

  1. I simply cant afford their new prices.. 20 bucks/month for 5 cpanel accounts ? WHAT ?! I can survive with a few plugins and features. (and my clients too)
  2. I kindly recommend DIrectAdmin .. just finished to migrade 500+ accounts from cpanel to da
  3. Have you tried to clean your browser cache and cookie ?
  4. zuby24

    Error Install

    You should tell us detailed logs in order to help. Anyway you are moving to another version .. if you face any errors dont hesitate to open new topic.
  5. Check your error.log .. This could help you more.
  6. zuby24

    Best skin?

    +1 for animate. Easy to use and edit.
  7. yes, i do. i have a little puppy :)
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