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  1. R1cho

    Ease of use

    Having not used wordpress before, is it as easy to navigate and setup as say invision power board is?
  2. thanks, worked a treat, now just need to figure out how to install the apps ??
  3. Has anyone managed to install this? I get as far as the create admin screen, but location and gender are missing from the form so It won't let me go any further.
  4. R1cho

    Question Download Limits

    Is there a way to increase daily download limits?
  5. When your board says there is an available update, do you do it or just leave well enough alone as you have had no problems?
  6. Thanks for your help, but somehow they are working now, have no idea how lol
  7. I don't use chrome, yes they have a category Even the default emoticons didn't show up after installing the board
  8. Hi, yes they are there in the admin cp just nothing on the front end
  9. The emoticons on my board are not showing, does anybody know how to fix this? TIA
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