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About Cheesezwheel

  • Birthday 08/27/2000

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  1. Version 1.0


    So BASICALLY this is a script that changes the background image (body tag) every hour. It auto updates as well... All you got to do is change the url of the script and selfhost 24 images named from bk_1.png to bk_24.png Good Luck.
  2. Hey guys! I know this forum doesn't surround mybb but i was curious if you can help me? I keep on getting this error when i use the shop with newpoints... Can you help me fix this? MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue. SQL Error: 1146 - Table 'rfgd_18841866_60.mybb1n_newpoints_shop_categories' doesn't exist Query: SELECT * FROM mybb1n_newpoints_shop_categories ORDER BY disporder AS
  3. Yea but then when ppl go to sign up it still redirects them to forum111 So the server think the folder is still forum111
  4. I want to change my user from something.com/forum111 to something.com/forum How?
  5. “I smile all the time so that nobody knows”

  6. “I smile all the time so that nobody knows” Hello, my name is Cheesezwheel but you can either call me cheesez or Tony! I'm a very dark and depressing person to be around so sorry if i make y'all uncomfortable... I'm currently coding an API site for Transformice and decide to add a forum. The website is currently in progress but here's what we've done so far... Anyways since i'm not good on first impressions then y'all can ask questions on this thread. I'll be happy to answer them!!! Here's some of my poems!!! Bai.
  7. Is this even possible?  I want to echo users data (like from their forum profile) And echo the information into a .php file in the folder below. 

    1. GradientWizzard


      Er.... What? What do you want the information to actually do? :S

    2. Cheesezwheel


      Range from like the amout of reputation they got to their name of their 3rd post

    3. GradientWizzard


      I don' actually get what you mean.

  8. Is there a thing that fecthes a username and email from another database and insert it into yours or when some registeres it inserts in another daTABASE.

  9. How do i change favicon in ipb 4.0?


    1. Lady C

      Lady C

      upload the favicon in your forum folder or go your admin panel go to your themes select the pencil icon and find the tab logo's! In there you can add a favicon too!

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