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Triqqy last won the day on January 7 2020

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  1. Can you check the password is correct?
  2. Can you try to recache your website from here: AdminCP->Support->Second Bubble option-> clear cache
  3. There should be a column that you can set for each group who can view it, when you uncheck it that means that the group will not be able to see it.
  4. You will need to use the Pages application to make a new page.
  5. Triqqy


    So you can translate this here: AdminCP -> Customization -> Localization -> Languages
  6. The password system for PHPBB3 is not the same as for the Invision Community, so your users will have to definitely do a password reset. The password is because two forum software uses a different password hashes. So, both hashes are different from one another.
  7. Perhaps this is a theme issue. Can you try to clear cache on the website end. AdminCP -> Support -> Second Bubble Option -> Clear Cache
  8. Triqqy

    Backup error

    Could it be due to permissions?
  9. Could it be a plugin/application? I would try to disable each plugin/application and see if that fixes that issue.
  10. Did you make sure you re uploaded all the files back to the new hosting?
  11. No, run that on the website and copy the text it give you and paste it to a xml file.
  12. Its a php file because then it is able to generate the sitemap dynamically. Just copy and paste the text to an xml file.
  13. I think you need to upload an xml file and not php file.
  14. Triqqy


    CSS, IPS does not have this feature by default. So to do this you will need to know CSS and make a custom class and use it in the group formatting.
  15. I would go and disable plugins and application one by one see what is causing this.
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