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  1. Ok, thank you, I found something in there I think I will figure out from here.
  2. Hey guys, I need to add html text to forum index header, (to add a server monitor) how could I do that? Where should I go? (Because I'm new t IPB 4.0). Thank you for your anwsers!
  3. I can't find that menu generator. Any way else I could add some links to the main menu?
  4. When is that upgrade coming out?
  5. Hey guys, I cat find where to add custom links to navigation bar. (in this forum there are Forums, Downloads, Donations ... I think donation is custom) I found from Admin Panel where you can add only one link, but I need more than one.
  6. It doesn't show up for me either. http://prntscr.com/8oryh Probably its made for Administrators only, I would like to make that to but as I said I don't have that button in Admin Panel. Oh, okay, find out that source is visible for forum Administrators only.
  7. Hey, here is my problem: Could someone help me out? I noticed that this site doesn't have that source button.
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