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timenrs3 last won the day on November 2 2015

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About timenrs3

  • Birthday 12/16/1995

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  1. i just wanna download
  2. I sent you a reply it looks perfect i just have one last request i asked on it
  3. o.o I need the founder group title to be below the square the square is suppose to be reserved for the avatar and the custom title bronze member needs to be under the group title 'founder' the custom title 'bronze member could be above the square or below doesnt matter as long as the avatar can still be used
  4. Worked ! Thank you! Could you please tell me where can I get more gif pictures that would fit from ? in the code where it says fire_green.gifall you need to do is change the "green" to any other color most of them will work Other then that you can replace http://resources.guild-hosting.net/1024/themes/core/images/tag_fx/fire_green.gifwith http://forum.ragezone.com/images/backround6.gifwhere it says "backround6.gif" you can change the "6" and cycle through the many gif backgrounds from 1-30 i believe Hope it helps
  5. I sent you the link If anyone else also has a idea of how to fix this please help out thank you :)
  6. <b><img src=http://i.imgur.com/tRgpp8P.png><span style='background: url(http://resources.guild-hosting.net/1024/themes/core/images/tag_fx/fire_green.gif);color:green;text-shadow: 1px 1px 7px green'>Put that code in admincp>members>membergroups pick any of the membergroups and in "Group Formatting Prefix" enter the code above you can change the color or the image to your liking its self explanatory at that point then for "Group Formatting Suffix" ad the following </span></b>This should work fine
  7. Hi I'm using an IPB 3.4.7 forum boards, and i'm currently trying to get the background for my membergroups to work the picture below shows the userinfo on the left side, but the background is only covering some of the background I can't get it to cover the entire rectangle. <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Person" class='user_details' style='width: 165px; float: left; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; <if test="$author['member_group_id']==4">background: url(http://forum.ikovps.com/images/owner.gif)</if> <if test="$author['member_group_id']==6">background: url(http://forum.ikovps.com/images/server-mod.gif)</if> no-repeat; min-height: 394px; Also i'm not talking about the avatar square in the red I am talk about the background rectangle the red area should go all the way to the top and all the way to the left but there is a little area that it is not covering. I have tried adjusting the width style='width: 165px; when I edit the width all it does is move the right end of the background. How can I fix this please help. Thank you
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